Order RS232 Scanner
The first batch of RS232 Scanners has arrived, the hardware is functioning OK and the firmware of the PLD is stable.
To prevent disappointment, please note that the GSM Activity Scanner will only be able to indicate the amount of traffic on Basestation frequencies (see Scanner results). The devices operates by continuously monitoring the tuning sequences and the received GMSK waveform while the GSM is performing its internal "Network/Provider scan".
- It is not possible to decode any data since the device does not demodulate the GMSK bursts. Even if the received GMSK bursts are demodulated on a PC with the appropriate algorithm and you succeed in decrypting the data, the use is limited since the number of back-to-back received GMSK bursts is too small.
To summarize, you require:

- A Philips Savvy Dual Band phone, prepared as described in the PDF file "Adding a GSM Interface to a Philips Savvy DB GSM"
- The GSM Activity scanner hardware, which you can order on this page
The price of an assembled board is 50 Euro + P&P. Shipment is in principal only in the Netherlands, but this can be extended to some selected countries in Europe (depends on shipment policies).
You can indicate your interest in one of the assembled boards by email.Stock information:
Number of bare boards: 6
Number of component sets : 0
Number of assembled boards: 2
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